Friday, 19 August 2011

Sleeping downstairs

I also had another small victory on Wednesday night.

We have a sofa bed in our living room, it is our spare bed and the mattress is a lot better for my back than our normal one so I like to sleep downstairs at least once a week. However, sometimes this is a REALLY bad idea and sometimes I choose the night I sleep on the sofa bed because I want to binge on food in the kitchen which is usually after I have been drinking too which always adds fuel to the fire. My husband has caught me out a number of times but I always snap at him and tell him to “leave me alone” as I am too far gone to stop. If only I would listen…

Anyway, on Wednesday because we had been out of the house all evening and the dog was shut in all night, I didn’t want to come home and go straight to bed. I wanted to spend time with the spoilt pooch. So, because it was late, I decided that sleeping downstairs was the best option as it meant spending time with the dog but not having to stay up any later. My husband was understandably wary of my decision but he would never stop me (although sometimes would suggest sleeping downstairs too which sends me into a massive panic if I am planning a binge) and so we got the sofa bed out. The thought of bingeing was at the back of my mind but so was the fact that it was late, I was nearly 10 days down and I didn’t want the guilt and shame waking up with me on Thursday morning. So, I just went to bed. I didn’t sleep well as food was at the forefront of my mind but I didn’t binge. Another small step taken.

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