Wednesday, 14 September 2011


My husband will tell you I am very careful with my money and like to save where I can on everyday items. I like to treat myself (and him) when I can but primarily I am constantly on a mission to spend as little as possible and worry about running out of money. My husband is always reassuring me that we are fine and can afford to do the things we want and also save a bit here and there. However, I seem to think we are going to go bankrupt at any moment. I know it is a good thing to be careful with your finances and better to be overly tight than the opposite and be in debt but I take it to the extreme with my constant worrying and fretting about it. It is like another obsession to occupy my mind and it drives me mad. If I am not stressing about food then it is money.

The stupid thing about it is that I am really tight when it comes to buying the weekly groceries and essentials. Yet, if I want to have a binge it goes completely out of the window and I will waste a stupid amount on food that is quite literally going down the toilet. It makes no sense whatsoever but I still do it. Money is never an issue then and I really could do with it being one to stop me or at least stall me anyway.

Why is that? How can I be SO controlled over my spending on treats and essentials and yet not care about throwing money away on food for a binge? It makes no sense and maybe the more I dwell on this, the more I can start to realise I need to be controlled on the binge spending and not so much on everything else…

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